Bridge that connects you to your future
Within the AMP, experienced members of SZTE's alumni community - which has several thousand members - help current students in their professional advancement


SZTE Alma Mater's Alumni Mentoring Program, AMP, is an initiative that forms a bridge between university students and the world of work. The aim of the program is to help students build their careers and to create an opportunity to gain real-world experience during their university studies.

At the same time, the initiative is an advantage not only for the students, but also for the participating mentors, as it provides an opportunity to find and embrace talented young people. An alumni mentor can be anyone who once obtained a degree at SZTE or its legal predecessor institutions, and at the current point in their career is open to becoming a member of a strong community of alumni mentors and helping the next generation in professional matters.

Therefore, AMP contributes to the formation of a strong and active partnership between the University of Szeged and the labor market.

The program - which is unique both in Hungary and Central Europe - can give the fresh graduates a competitive advantage, by which they can immediately stand out from their contemporaries.

Alumni mentoring is a personal connection between an experienced professional and a student. The contact is flexible and informal, based on the agreement of the two parties and depends on the possibilities and needs of them. Experiences and feedback show that participation in the program is a personalized, unique help for every student. By sharing his/her knowledge and experience with the student who is preparing for a similar career, the mentor can always help with what concerns the student the most. By participating in the program, students are better prepared for their position on the labor market, have the opportunity to build relationships, and possibly develop long-term career plans.

The method and results of the unique program have received national and international professional recognition:

  • In 2021, the SZTE Alma Mater Alumni Mentoring Program was awarded the Impact Awards 2021 for the development of the constantly growing, diverse and effective mentoring program, and for the support of students and alumni members.
  • In 2023, Alma Mater won the Mentor Oscar award in the organizational category for its activities within the framework of the Alumni mentoring program and as a result for the creation of a guiding and supportive environment.

The program started in 2014, and in the last 20 cycles, nearly 800 successful mentoring collaborations have taken place, always with a satisfaction response of more than 91%.

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Az SZTE Alma Mater, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem alumni szervezete legfőbb célkitűzésének tekinti, egy olyan közösséget építsen, amelyben az egyetem öregdiákjai a diplomaszerzést követően is kapcsolatban maradhatnak az intézménnyel és egymással. Az Alma Mater-tagok részesei lehetnek az egyetemi életnek, értesülhetnek az itt zajló fejlesztésekről, rendezvényekről, és egyedülálló kedvezményrendszert vehetnek igénybe. A szervezet alapvető célcsoportját képezik az egyetemi oktatók és dolgozók mellett azok a volt hallgatók, akik a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen tanultak, és itt szerezték meg diplomájukat.

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