"Everything is very nice, everything is great"
Satisfied participants, successful mentoring, and continued professional collaborations in the AMP

The Alumni Mentoring Programme (AMP) of the University of Szeged Alma Mater has once again proven that it is more than just an elective course. The AMP can serve as a real professional springboard for students. The Autumn cycle concluded with its usual success, as reflected in the student feedback: 42.9% of participants were fully satisfied with the mentoring process, stating that it even exceeded their initial expectations. Additionally, 33.3% of them reported that they received exactly what they had envisioned and expected.


Mentors not only provide guidance but also support young talents with real-life experience, share their professional knowledge, and open doors to career opportunities. Most students maintain professional connections with their chosen alumni mentors even after the program ends. In this fall cycle, there were participants who earned an internship opportunity with their mentors by the end of the process. The success of the fall cycle is best summed up by one returning student’s words: "Everything is very nice, everything is great!" („Minden nagyon szép, minden nagyon jó!”).

A successful mentoring process is a personal achievement, but the professionalism of the programme lies in its continuous development, shaped by experience and individual feedback. With the latest mentoring successes of the fall cycle, the AMP community has now reached 855 successful collaborations. Beyond the program’s formal structure, former and current students continue to engage in self-organized professional collaborations. The next cycle kicks off in February, and we welcome:

  • Alumni members offering their professional support
  • Current University of Szeged students 
    who want to join AMP and shape the future by:

    • Engaging in continuous alumni mentoring collaborations (Alumni Mentoring Programme)
    • Being available for one-time, ad-hoc professional inquiries (Flash Mentoring)
    • Creating opportunities for the next generation to thrive (Backmentoring)

If you're interested in AMP and would like to join, visit the Mentoring section on uniszegedalumni.com or check out the AMP group for all the details!


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Az SZTE Alma Mater, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem alumni szervezete legfőbb célkitűzésének tekinti, egy olyan közösséget építsen, amelyben az egyetem öregdiákjai a diplomaszerzést követően is kapcsolatban maradhatnak az intézménnyel és egymással. Az Alma Mater-tagok részesei lehetnek az egyetemi életnek, értesülhetnek az itt zajló fejlesztésekről, rendezvényekről, és egyedülálló kedvezményrendszert vehetnek igénybe. A szervezet alapvető célcsoportját képezik az egyetemi oktatók és dolgozók mellett azok a volt hallgatók, akik a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen tanultak, és itt szerezték meg diplomájukat.

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