For the eighteenth time, the prestigious prize of the SZTE Alma Mater was awarded by the alumni organization of the University of Szeged to the company that is a preferred employer of SZTE graduates, maintains close relations with the institution and supports the realization of its goals. The winner, CAS Software Ltd., is the second company in the history of the award to double its number of awards and to use the title „SZTE Alma Mater Díjazott” ("SZTE Alma Mater Awardee") again after 2011. The company is connected to the University in many ways, not only through its active involvement in education, but also through its support of numerous student and university events. Last but not least, its long-standing support of the University of Szeged students in the AMP, our alumni mentoring programme.


The SZTE Alma Mater Award:

As our intention with this call is to increase the employment and marketability of former and current students in addition to the cooperation and to continuously generate additional funding, we only look at the last two years of the scoring criteria for the companies applying. Therefore, every year the application is open to the winners of the previous years, and every year companies take advantage of this opportunity, but this is the second time in the life of the award that a previous winner has doubled up and won the honour again. The evaluation criteria cover not only the employment of former students but also educational and training cooperation, sponsorship and the enhancement of students' practical and entrepreneurial skills, and CAS Software Kft. has been an active partner of the University of Szeged in all these areas for the last few years.

About the award winner: CAS Software Ltd.

CAS Software Kft. has existed in Hungary since 2008 as the only foreign subsidiary of the German CAS Software AG, the parent company of CAS Software AG, one of Europe's leading providers of customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, which, in addition to online magazine publishing and electronic map-based company catalogue development, also develops industry-specific solutions for product configuration. Their officeimg_8636resize.jpg is located in Eszperantó Street in Szeged, where the staff work in a professional environment of more than 1400 square meters.

Their most important values include customer experience, people-centeredness and continuous development. They invest 25% of their revenue in innovation, enabling their staff to work with the latest technologies and tools. Digital sovereignty and fair data management are also important to them: they provide their customers with solutions to ensure that they are not vulnerable to IT mammoths and that the data they manage with their products is secure.

Currently, more than one third of the employees from Szeged, 23 of them former students of the University of Szeged. Many of them have been helping SZTE students as alumni mentors for years.

In cooperation with the SZTE TTIK Institute of Informatics, many Szeged students have the opportunity to learn new technologies and deepen their knowledge at the university every year. Specialised training courses provide the opportunity to get an overview of the entire software development process, learning the agile approach, communication techniques and workflow milestones.

The company, together with Professor Dr. János Csirik, has initiated the dual training as a training form at the Institute of Informatics of the SZTE. We were the first to offer dual training places for IT students in Szeged.

It has supported several university competitions and student initiatives, including the Szegedi Universitasért 2007 Foundation, the Alma Mater Foundation of SZTE, and has been a privileged Alumni Mentor Point for students for several years with 6 mentors.


Award of the competition:

The winner received the prestigious SZTE Alma Mater Award at the opening ceremony of the SZTE Job Fair and was entitled to receive the "SZTE Alma Mater Award 2024." to use the mark in their corporate appearance.

In addition, SZTE Alma Mater will provide the award winner with special communication opportunities on its website, in its online newsletters and publications.

Congratulations to CAS Software Ltd. for this year's award!

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Az SZTE Alma Mater, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem alumni szervezete legfőbb célkitűzésének tekinti, egy olyan közösséget építsen, amelyben az egyetem öregdiákjai a diplomaszerzést követően is kapcsolatban maradhatnak az intézménnyel és egymással. Az Alma Mater-tagok részesei lehetnek az egyetemi életnek, értesülhetnek az itt zajló fejlesztésekről, rendezvényekről, és egyedülálló kedvezményrendszert vehetnek igénybe. A szervezet alapvető célcsoportját képezik az egyetemi oktatók és dolgozók mellett azok a volt hallgatók, akik a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen tanultak, és itt szerezték meg diplomájukat.

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