Open Application


Call for application for partner companies cooperating with the University of Szeged

The University of Szeged adverts Alma Mater's application for organizations that considers close scientific and professional relationship with the SZTE and support the achievement of its goals and priority employers for students graduating from the University of Szeged.

Since 2006, the University of Szeged has been honouring the most outstanding partner organizations cooperating with the Alma Mater Award. „The prestige prize was created by the need to underline the loyalty to the University and to show the strength of the SZTE alumni community. The applicants of the last 16 occasions, as well as the circle of laureates, demonstrate the economic and intellectual potential that is concentrated around the University.” – underlined Prof. dr. Márta Görög, rector for Alumni Affairs. The winner has the right every year to use the SZTE Alma Mater Award for its corporate appearance and recieved advantaged role in the communications platforms of the university. „Based on the feedback of the winners so far, the award has an actual prestige value, our long-term goal is to maintain this value system, increase recognition, and generate further collaborations.” – enhanced the members of the jury.


SZTE Alma Mater Award 2024.


Awarding the winner application:

The winner will be recieved the Alma Mater Prestige Award in a solemn ceremony and have the right for using the „SZTE Alma Mater Award 2024” label in its corporate appearance.

Furthermore, the winner will have communication priority on the SZTE Alma Mater’s website (, in its online newsletters and publiciations and it will have free appearance in the 2024 of senoir’s portfolio which they will recieve at the graduation ceremony.


The application’s deadline is: 22st March 2024

The mode of the application: in person, through post service or email

address with post service: SZTE Alma Mater, 6724 Szeged, Dugonich Square 13.

In person: 6722 Szeged Honvéd Square 6. office no. 33, to Schwimmer-Tóth Tímea

email address:

The announcement of the winner’s date and location: 23th April 2024, at the Opening Ceremony of SZTE Career Day – SZTE TIK Atrium

The prize will be given by: Prof. dr. Rovó László, rector and the chief of the SZTE Alma Mater; Dr. Fendler Judit, chancellor and Prof. dr. Görög Márta, rector for Alumni Affairs.

The range of applicants:

Any organisation with an establishment in Hungary may apply for the application which has a contract for cooperation with the University of Szeged, or with Foundation for the Szeged Universitas 2007. Previous winners and applicants can apply every year!

The applications will be evaluated by two members of jury. The members of the jury:

  • dr. Görög Márta, rector fot Alumni Affairs
  • Bene Tamás, director of international and public relations

The evaluation committee may request applicants to fill in a gap once, which has 5 working days to prepare!

Formal requirements of the application:

Applications must be submitted in 1 original, duly signed copy, with the following mandatory elements. On the cover page, the company name, logo, contact name, e-mail address and phone number can be placed, as well as the application for the SZTE Alma Mater Award text:

  • The organization introduction in max. 2 pages of A4
  • Number and composition of SZTE graduates employed at the organisation
  • Name of the SZTE alumni mentors employed at the organization
  • List of financial support provided to SZTE and its partner organizations in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 indicating the institutional contact point of the faculty
  • List of essential elements of scholarship contracts provided to students of SZTE, indicating the institutional contact point of the faculty as a reference
  • List of internship programs provided to students of SZTE, indicating the institutional contact point of the faculty as a reference


Criteria for assessment:


Establishing scientific cooperation with SZTE in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 10 points

Number of graduates of szte employed by the organization:

1-2 persons: 2 points

3-5 persons: 4 points

6-10 persons: 6 points

10-14 persons: 8 points

15 persons or more: 10 points

Maximum given points: 10 points

Number of SZTE alumni mentors employed at the organization:

1-2 persons: 3 points

3-5 person: 4 points

5 persons or more: 5 points

"Outstanding Mentor" in the company: + 3 points

"Master Mentor" in the company: +5 points

Maximum given points: 10 points

Support for initiatives and ideas of SZTE students (start-ups) in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 3 points
Participation on the SZTE Career Day in 2021/22 or 2022/23:

2 points

Scholarship support for students in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 3 points
Employment of SZTE students as interns in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 3 points
Financial support of SZTE's goals in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 5 points
Cooperation agreement with SZTE Alma Mater in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 3 points
Support for Universitas 2007 Foundation in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 3 points
Other cooperation with SZTE in 2021/22 or 2022/23: 1 point


The selection board will rank the applications in a simple order on the basis of the points obtained. In the event of a tie, the jury will decide on the winner.


Previous winners:

  • 2006: Siemens
  • 2007: 3C Szeged Kft.
  • 2008: GE Hungary Zrt. Healthcare K+F division
  • 2009: The Hungarion member of Sanofi Aventis, the Chinoin Zrt.
  • 2010: Ikron companies group
  • 2011: CAS Software Kft.
  • 2012: ContiTech Rubber Industrial Kft.
  • 2013: Bonafarm Group – Pick Szeged Zrt. and Sole Mizo Zrt.
  • 2014: Morgan Stanley Hungary Analyst Kft.
  • 2015: Mol Group
  • 2016: Givaudan Hungary Kft.
  • 2017: Monguz Information Technology Kft.
  • 2018: MNG Software Developer and Commercial Kft.
  • 2019: EPAM System Kft.
  • 2020/21: GriffSoft Information Zrt.
  • 2022: Pick Szeged Zrt.
  • 2023: Goodwill Pharma Nyrt.

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Az SZTE Alma Mater, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem alumni szervezete legfőbb célkitűzésének tekinti, egy olyan közösséget építsen, amelyben az egyetem öregdiákjai a diplomaszerzést követően is kapcsolatban maradhatnak az intézménnyel és egymással. Az Alma Mater-tagok részesei lehetnek az egyetemi életnek, értesülhetnek az itt zajló fejlesztésekről, rendezvényekről, és egyedülálló kedvezményrendszert vehetnek igénybe. A szervezet alapvető célcsoportját képezik az egyetemi oktatók és dolgozók mellett azok a volt hallgatók, akik a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen tanultak, és itt szerezték meg diplomájukat.

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