
The period is approaching when it is time to prepare for the arrival of Santa Claus. This year SZTE Alma Mater Santa Claus will once again visit the SZTE József Attila Department of Education and Information Center on December 5. Now for the 16th time, it warmly welcomes former students, former and current employees with their children.

Write it down in your calendar: Alma Mater Santa Claus - the 5th of December

Participation in the event is free for members and their guests, but prior registration is required.

In case of questions about the event, or if you would like to apply, you can contact us here:

From 4:30 p.m., children will be entertained with the usual crafts and games, and from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m., the Sajtkukac Duó's concert will precede the arrival of Santa Claus. From 5:45 p.m., the results of the drawing competition will be announced, and then from 6 p.m., Santa Claus will give gifts to the children visiting the event.

From 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., upon prior application, you can use our free Photo Corner service, where a photographer takes a portrait of the children in a Christmas atmosphere. Due to the great interest, it will also be possible to try out a selfie box.

The drawing competition will also be held this year, this time entitled "Draw Santa Claus and his friends!". Submission deadline 01.12.2022. Details are available here.

As part of the #almajóügy, we joined a fundraising campaign again this year. Details of this will be published later. Take part in it too, because it's good to be good.

Pictures of Santa's events organized in previous years are available by clicking here.

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Az SZTE Alma Mater, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem alumni szervezete legfőbb célkitűzésének tekinti, egy olyan közösséget építsen, amelyben az egyetem öregdiákjai a diplomaszerzést követően is kapcsolatban maradhatnak az intézménnyel és egymással. Az Alma Mater-tagok részesei lehetnek az egyetemi életnek, értesülhetnek az itt zajló fejlesztésekről, rendezvényekről, és egyedülálló kedvezményrendszert vehetnek igénybe. A szervezet alapvető célcsoportját képezik az egyetemi oktatók és dolgozók mellett azok a volt hallgatók, akik a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen tanultak, és itt szerezték meg diplomájukat.

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