"People are nice and very helpful here, at least they try to help. These things are what make the difference." – interview with Thalyta Santos

We conducted an interview with Thalyta Santos who is already a lawyer affiliated with the Brazilian Lawyer’s Association since 2016 now she is a student of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, International Relations program at the University of Szeged holding a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship, and she is also a member of EUGLOH.


When did you come to Hungary and why did you chose Szeged to study?

I came to Hungary in August 2021, because my friend, who is in Debrecen, told me about the scholarship and lots of good things about Hungary, how nice is it, and so on. So, I was researching Universities in Hungary, and I came across the University of Szeged. I saw that it was better positioned in the ranks, the best, according to the main ranks. Also, my program is offered by the Faculty of Law, which is a plus for me since I am a Lawyer. These are the reasons why I came to Szeged, I saw it as a good match.

Which languages do you speak? Do you learn Hungarian?

I speak Portuguese and I also speak English. I have learned a bit Hungarian, but I cannot say I can speak it, it’s quite complicated. And I’m learning German right now, but I’m still at the beginning. So fluently I only speak Portuguese and English.

When you arrived to Hungary did you have any „cultural shock” or something which was surprising for you?

I think, even though I knew English was not the language spoken in Hungary, the cultural shock I had was related to the language barrier. I went to the US a few years ago and my English skills were not very good. However, as a Latina, who speaks Portuguese, I could still get by more easily because many signs were in Spanish. Although I don’t speak Spanish I can understand it, so it was easy for me to communicate and get by there. But the Hungarian language is a completely different world. It does not have the same roots as Portuguese, so I couldn’t find any association. For me, it was the first shock. Trying to communicate with people or even getting by because I’ve just realized how different it was. I had an idea that it would be different, but I didn’t have the whole picture of how it would be hard. Besides that, I really think our society is not that different. We have some differences of course, but it’s not like a shock. Or maybe, because I lived in the US for two years before, I had to become more flexible and maybe it helped me not to be shocked with the different things.


What are your experiences with Hungarian people? Feel free to share your thoughts whether they are positive or maybe negative.

I have some Hungarian friends and I always tell them that I have been having a great time here in Hungary, especially because of the people. I have friends who are experiencing a different thing, like finding rude people, but so far only in one place I was kind of mistreated for being a foreigner. Overall people are nice and very helpful here, at least they try to help despite the language barrier. I went recently to a store to buy something, and the lady there didn’t know a word of English, but she tried so hard to help me. These things are what make the difference. For example, last Friday, me and my friend decided to visit the City Hall. Oh my God, the lady over there and the guy who guided us around were amazing! I think they were so happy with our enthusiasm. They were so nice and so friendly. I can say that I have been having good experiences with Hungarian people.

I saw that last year you won the EUGLOH's Got Talent competition with your singing performance. I think it’s really great! How was this competition? What are your experiences about it? Why did you decide to go there?

I saw the post on Facebook about this talent program on the university’s page for the Stipendium Hungaricum scholars, and I thought „why not?”. I saw that it would be in Paris and who doesn’t want to go to Paris, for free? So, I decided to apply. I had to record a video of myself showing my talent. It could be me dancing or doing anything else, but I cannot dance, and I cannot do anything but sing. So, I decided to sing and I sent the video. After a week or so, they sent me a message saying that I was selected to go to the finals in Paris. I did not have high expectations, actually, I don’t know why, maybe it’s the lack of confidence in my singing since I’m not a professional, it’s just a hobby. You know, I have been singing since I was three years old, but nothing professional, just in the church, here and there, but not professionally. And I haven’t participated in any competition before, so it was a surprise for me to get selected, and I was more surprised when I won the competition, especially because they had great talents. There was a guy – I even followed him on Instagram, because he was really good – he dances acrobatic movements. I have never seen something like that. He was highly professional and really good. There was a magician as well. So, there was a quite diverse group of competitors and I thought they had good chances. Well, I was happy with the results.




You will finish your studies here in Szeged this year. What are your plans or goals after the university?

That’s a good question. Ideally, I would like to find a job in an international organization, something related to international relations and law, trying to combine these two fields. But I don’t see it coming. The job could be in Hungary. Actually, the country where you study should be the country where you have your first job experience, the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired. But maybe because of the language or something else, I don’t see it coming yet. So, I’m applying for other programs related to law as this is my background, business law, and let’s see what will work out. But, yes, ideally, I would find a job, stay here for a while, get international experience. And then, later, I want to go back to Brazil, it’s for sure, it’s settled.

I hope you will find something here, in Szeged. Or maybe in Budapest? Do you like Budapest?

I like Budapest, but I would prefer to stay in Szeged, because I like small cities, I was raised in a small city in Brazil.

What would be your advice to the new international students who will come to Szeged?

Be aware of the opportunities – that’s the same thing I said when they interviewed me after the EUGLOH – and take advantage of the opportunities. I know we have barriers such as being foreigners and not speaking the language, but there are opportunities that we can take part in. This time in our life is not going to come back, we are all growing up and we are going to get a job and life is going to get serious, so take advantage of this time, enjoy as much as you can, enjoy the city. I come from a tropical country, so I don’t have this kind of cold, and I don’t have this kind of view and landscapes. The trees in Brazil don’t die in the winter and are reborn in the spring, it doesn’t happen there. So, even these small things are very nice and significant for me, and I try to enjoy and be mindful of them, the places I am, the coffees I drink, the flavors, the weather, everything. So, that’s my advice, to take advantage and enjoy your time in Szeged. Also, while you are here in Hungary try to get to know other Hungarian cities because there are so many nice and beautiful cities here.

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